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Action Herculan MF (Multi Function)

Action Herculan MF systems consist of a cushioned, shock-absorbent underlayment in combination with a strong, flexible polyurethane top layer. It is totally solvent-free and features an exclusive water-based nontoxic top coat, free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with no residual fume issues to contend with. Action Herculan MF systems are designed as multi-purpose sports surface with point elastic properties. The thicker the underlayment, the higher the shock absorption will be. Depending on the thickness of the underlayment (4mm – 14mm), many fields of application are possible.

Action Herculan MF systems are durable and provide high performance, uniformity in play and excellent tear and tensile strength as well as elongation properties. Its adhesion and water resistance are unsurpassed.

System Summary:

  • Seamless, cushioned, multifunctional floor
  • EN 14904 tested for all indoor sports
  • Non-Porous=hygienic and easy to clean
  • Quickly and economically resurfaced when required
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